An Unexpected Matrimonial.

One lazy Thursday morning in World Religions Class in the second desk to the right, a couple months back, I asked June what she was doing later on in the evening, it was one of those space-filling questions, expecting to hear her retort with one of the five local clubs, what more could there possibly be to life on a Thursday afternoon?

I was more than just a little bit jealous when she said she was going to Bangkok for her cousins wedding.

I bombarded her with questions. From the color of the brides dress, to whether they played the funky chicken dance (an American staple), to the place settings. 

I suppose she got my not so subtle hint, because she smiled a wide grin and asked, “Do you want to come with me?”

Quickly calculating the costs of ditching International Relations and Comparative Politics, I weighed the benefits excessively in my favor. 

Although Professor Pelletier’s drawling lecture about globalization with his fancy french accent and pony-tail so frizzy it looks like it belongs on the end of a tooth pick, would be drastically missed, life is about making sacrifices. 

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